When travelling, space in the car is at a premium. A play yard (also called a pack-n-play on our website) is compact and fits into trunks and back seats, while setting up easily in a small space providing comfort for your baby. Ingenuity, featured in the video below, is just one of the brands that Baby Getaway rents and recommends. We also carry Graco which is very similar in set up. Although we deliver, set up and disassemble our equipment for you, it is always handy to know how to fold and set up the play yard in case you wish to travel with it elsewhere or relocate the play yard to another room. This video featured below may take away your frustration of operation after we leave. The play yard also has some extra features (such as a bassinet, Dream Centre and change table), that you may want to take full advantage (if you request the deluxe model). And this is how you work it....!